L is for Lemonade
Everything had gone so wrong by 2200 that they were trying to reconstitute lemons from commercial lemonade. Most people had never seen a real lemon, as they were closely guarded in the last remaining botanical museums. Luna knew this was a futile effort, but wanted to give the people a glimmer of hope.
“Yeah, but…the lemon’s dead, aye?”
“Well, yes,” said Luna “It is ‘dead’ but some bits of it are still a little bit alive.”
“How can something be alive AND dead? Like, even a little bit? Makes less sense than…I don’t know…reading a book for fun.”
“We have to try, though – even if we don’t think it will work.”
“You need to go out more, my friend.”
“And you need to study more, my friend“
Briony had a point,though. The lemon in its primary form was dead and Luna didn’t actually have much of a social life.
“And what’s next? Tomatoes from sauce? Cotton from socks? Just face it, nothing will grow here any more, even if you manage to re-aminate it or whatever.”
Luna looked forlornly at the bottle of carbonated liquid before her. Just one more try…